Judaism is an ideology related to Jewish Religion Believers; established by the Jews as Monotheistic Believers and followers since their prophet Moses whom had brought their Descended Holy book the Torah during his time of prophecy and his leadership to those people ' Bani Israel ' during their life and their exile from Egypt at the time of ' Minbitah / Ram sis II' the Pharaoh of Egypt as historical / religious studies may indicate.
There are many Jews who believe - as Believers of Monotheism- in the messiah of mercy, peace and the 10 commands of God/The sole creator and whom do also live in peace within the other nations, as a first part of a chain - in integration - with respect to other monotheistic religions ( Christianity and Islam ) knowing the fact that Jesus and Mohamed - same as Moses - are also Descendants from Ibrahim / Abraham prophecy tree.. Those Jews do not believe in the re-establishment of the ideological political state of a country, designed to be solely serving and/or acquiring all the Jewish of the world in one political nation and/or state. They follow the Torah of Moses as a guide to their monotheistic beliefs in one god ..
Surecracy accepts them as first Descendants of Ibrahim / Abraham and as true followers of Moses and believers in his God of Monotheism; being considered as a part of ' Ahel - Alkitab ' / 'People of the Holy book(s)' - as the Holy Qur'an had highlighted in accepting them in such a described way as the verses of Sourah Al-Baqarah - for example - highlighted with other Sourat; this is on one hand..
On the other hand; Democratic Zionism is strongly believed - in presence of historical evidence -to be a byproduct related to Democratic Capitalism, Fascism and Democratic Zionism where some Zionist / economically-politically oriented group(s) have their ambitious interests to create and to establish their superpower state containing the Jews as a superior race, a nationality and a religion at the same time and to work to expand their established superpower state Israel in their chosen geographic place of Palestine since their first Zionist Congress in Basle in 1897 ( Switzerland ) up to the year 1922 (British Balfour Promise / declaration ) -then in 1948 ( first war with declaration of their Zionist State Of Israel in Palestine). Such a later Democratic Capitalism / Democratic Zionism cooperation for political and economic domination has brought to the Middle East Region its worst destabilizing element(s) and serious Foreign invasions and wars 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973 and invasions to Jordan kingdom / state in the late sixties and to Lebanon in the seventy decade(s).
Surecracy accepts all peaceful monotheistic believers including true Jewish who follow Judaism of Moses at his time, according to Chapter 2 / Sourah Al-Baqarah Verse / Ayat 285-287 of the Holey Qur'an which unify all believers in one God / Allah in Arabic language .. Here their Judaism is a religion within monotheism .. their own writing(s) and claim(s) clearly indicate that true Jews are not Zionists by any mean ..!
A Simplified Review Article And A Surecratic View upon Judaism and Democratic Zionism
Author : Sherif Abdel-Kerim
Founder Of The International Surecratic Movement
Calgary, Canada = Copyright (C) 2009.
For further reviews reflecting Judaism / Jewish opposing point(s) of view(s) against Democratic Zionism, the reader might explore other anti-zionists Jewsish organizations,Rabbi and Jewish groups below: