Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Surecratic Globalism and Islamic Globalization: An Introduction Towards A New World Order; Anti-Democratic and Anti-Democratic Globalization !

Surecracy will take all the means in order to create its own Islamic Globalization / Globalism - as a function of time - for a New World Order that is expected to be Anti - Democratic, Anti-Zionist and Anti- Democratic World Globalization ..
The International Surecratic Movement

Globalization is a process by which the worlds are unified into a single society, function and/or one sole world monopolistic capitalist(s) government; and which is gradually and/or indirectly being dominated by democratic-superpowers Like G8 countries: having huge powers in capital/ financing, well developed economy, industries and strategic technologies / information.

Disadvantages Of Democratic Globalization:

1. The major damage of globalization is that some cultures are getting lost. The cultures of the countries that have more economic power are more dominant than others. Because, wealthy countries produce many things that can affect cultures, for example, clothes, movies and technological products. while the global community is increasing, more and more people have became ignorant about social, ethical and moral values Therefore, globalization with its huge materialistic / consumer consumption elevate the tendency of people - especially in the new generations - to be gradually influenced and simulate Western or Eastern Cultures thus it gradually damages smaller or less dominant cultures - especially in the Islamic individual countries - which are poorer , less powerful , ruled by autocratic democratic and/or poppet governments leading to the very high risk of cultural and religious dissociation; dissolution as capitalists' monopolies plan; pushing many nations and cultures to face being close the edge of being extinct i.e no longer in existence.
2. Intense Competition within National and International Production and within the consumers' Markets.Rising of monopole companies and trough among production costs are the main effects of this hard competition in business. As pointed in Global Policy Forum, undeveloped countries choose to use foreign capital for their improvement however it disposes the equality and stability instead.
3. Widening of Gap between rich Classes / Societies / Governments and the poor Classes / Societies / governments as well as among countries
4. It creates tough and harder conditions - for Smaller businesses, enterprises - to establish itself and survive.
5. It results into the exploitation of workers: Paying those workers in LEDC's a fraction of what would be paid in to workers in MEDCs.
6. The profits and/or income that is being generated in the host country is not always being spent in the same country as for example the money earned from supplying cheap call centres as the case in India will not necessarily be spent in the same country India but possibly in other capitalists countries to where these big international / monopoly corporates headquarters exist as for example United Kingdom, France or USA.
7. Sudden loss of workers jobs and unemployment as well as transfer of diseases among the countries being involved globalization trade .!
8. An increase in the criminal networks which benefit from democratic globalization even more.They Never get bothered by the niceties of sovereignty, where criminals are now increasingly feel more free of geographic and state constraints. Moreover, globalization has not only expanded illegal markets; boosted the size and the resources of criminal networks, but it has also imposed more burdens upon governments: Tighter public budgets, decentralization, privatization, deregulation, and a more open environment for international trade and investment all these factors make the task of fighting organized crime global criminals became more difficult especially that Governments are made up of bureaucracies whom generally cooperate with difficulties, while drug traffickers, arms' dealers, alien smugglers, counterfeiters, and money launderers refined networking to a high degree of science and technology, entering into complex and improbable strategic alliances that span cultures, nations and even continents.

Obviously this globalization strategy - adopted by secular democrats - is being associated with an intensive Democratic Capitalists, Democratic Zionists huge and intensive military operations; invasion(s) and occupation(s) in various nations and parts of the Arabic Islamic and/or Islamic World for disrupting our economic , political, social and religio-cultural stabilities ..! while encouraging and enforcing strange form(s) of democratic - autocratic poppet governments to ensure further their democratic domination and democratic globalization for an Anti-Islamic Development Purposes , policies and/or strategies.
Even more, Western Democrats lead by USA collaborated with Russia and Zionists to formulate one of the most dangerous projects in history known as " NASA Blue Beam Project " (1) " مشروع الشعاع الأزرق لوكالة الفضاء ناسا " 1 " which is presently under experimentation before implementation ..

Accordingly; in light of these destructive democratic mentality to control our Islamic World in presence of the first two stages of Globalization and Intensifying Their Bloody Wars; dragging many Islamic countries into debts, all against our Muslims' People Socio-political and Economic stability and our development unjustly, endangering our Religio-Cultural Monotheistic Development by such a democratic usual aggression; while we are presently facing their strategic real destructive dangers that is continuous from the past into the present into the future..!
Therefore it became very important and/or extremely crucial - in lights of our Surecratic Determinism - that Surecrats must initiate - with all cooperative Muslims , people and governments - our own counteracting strategies and policies; in order to protect our people and our nations' Independence within The Islamic World; for counteracting these destructive impacts of these three democratic dangerous facts / issues and its related applications mentioned above; where our efforts of cooperation towards Our Proposal For " The Islamic Globalization " and/or " Surecratic Globalism " as a part of Surecracy Ideology , has become a must and a crucial necessity in addition to another fact of our action(s) to counteract the Democratic Capitalists' and the Democratic Zionists' destructive and very violent war(s) through All Forms OF Islamic Jihad : In Religio-Cultural sector to enlighten Muslims, in Science and Technology, Financial and Islamic Banking Cooperation, in Economic Development; in Political and our Islamic Media Counteracting efforts as well as in our Organized Military Army Operations / Militant Counteractions to force democrats and Zionists stop their aggression and wars by fearing us as interactive powerful league of Surecrats whom are supporting our people and nations ; as they are legally considered in situation of self-defense in light(s) of Islamic Shari'ha law(s) and supported by The International Law(s). We will be discussing further more details - later on - in a separate article in connection to such an important strategic subject matter..

Sherif Abdel-kerim,
B.Sc. & M.Sc. Pharm.
Research Director and Founder Of The International Surecratic Movement
Calgary, Alberta, Canada - Copyright (C) October 6, 2011


1. Blue Beam Project NASA

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Immoral Corruption Of Democracy, Democratic Capitalism & Democratic Zionism In Cooperation With Autocracy To Sustain Western Political Supremacy.!

An observed phenomenon - which is related to the psycho-moral deterioration in ethical standards of individuals, of people and of government(s) - living under Monarchy, Authoritarian Autocratic and/or Dictator Regimes of Governance; is the presence of the self-inflated egos, associated with greediness, self-centered interests and immoral opportunism which all can grow up well in the presence of Colonialism and neo-colonialism and in connection to both Democratic Capitalism and Democratic Zionism..!

Secular Democrats are strongly believed to play a significant key role in igniting and in keeping the continuity of such a questionable immoral phenomenon - across human history - of the developing world and their world as well .. The reason(s) of the why(s) stay behind the fact of ensuring their Capitalists' and Zionists' political and economic supremacy upon our people and upon these Monarch, Autocratic governing bodies in the developing world ..!

In support of our Surecratic observation, analysis and conclusion - as mentioned above - We record the following case circumstances and/or facts:

1. Autocratic Authoritarian and Monarch Regimes are usually kept alive and are somewhat stable in the presence of democratic colonialism and neocolonialism as for example - not for limitation - the case of Egypt { under 30 years of Husni Mubarak / his National Democratic Party } and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia { Al-Saud Royal Family Monarch since its early establishment of this kingdom by the King Abdul-Aziz bin Saud in 1932 } .. Under both regime examples - being mentioned - Western Democrats and Democratic Zionists may keep politically quite without directing any criticism(s) as long as the economic, the financial ties and the political mutual benefits are strengthen among them all regardless the status quo of their suffering people in such an underdeveloped world ..!
Of course both the Middle-East and Africa are full of other numerous similar examples as the case of Tunisia, Morocco Kingdom, Libya, Ya men, United Emirates, Jordain Kingdom, Iraq in its early Saddam Hussein regime..etc. ; whereas in Africa South Africa before its liberation by N.Mandela, Central Africa like Rwanda ..etc. Other similar examples -in South Asia- are found in modern history of the Autocratic Dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos in Philippines and Suharto in Indonesia ..

2. In almost all the cases - related to the above explanation - it is observed the following:
2.1: Accumulation of huge amount of wealth and financial foreign currencies acquired by the autocratic authoritarian and monarch leaders, their relatives and close followers deposited mostly in secret accounts and investments in foreign Western Banks and Financial Institutions where Democratic Capitalism and Democratic Zionists have upper hand and/or full control to economically benefit from these massive amounts of transferred funds.
2.2: Export / import of huge traditional military and police arm deals, exploitations in oil and in raw materials ( mining, agricultural ..etc.) associated with corporates' injustified explorations against the best interests of the local people.
2.3: Corrupt regimes in the developing countries are mostly surviving in the presence and the continuity of mutual benefits with Western Democrats and Democratic - Communists Socialists ( Soviet Union, China ) where Democracy and hypocrisy pays and plays a significant rule in between democrats and governing autocrats especially in the Developing and the Islamic World(s).

3. In most of the case circumstances the Surecratic political observation regarding why Western Democrats keep mostly quite, not to criticise or not to highlight the corruption and/or the illegitimacy of those autocratic dictators and/or royal monarch - in presence of hypocrisy and greediness - against the best interests of our developing countries and/or people; it all can be related to their mutual benefits of all autocrats, monarch and democrats from this unethical and illegal situations - in lights of conceptual justice - where huge political, military arms deals, economic and massive financial gains are kept in continuity. as case example why USA presidents including Barack Obama, UK prime ministers including Tony Blair ..etc. Switzerland president all kept quite, with Zionists - Israel presidents regarding Husni Mubarak and his family huge wealth 40-70 billion dollars, same as his Democratic Capitalists billionaires' businessmen whom are in leaderships of the Egyptian National Democratic Party in corruption; till the time where there is in no way a clash became inevitable in presence of Egyptians 25Th January, 2011 Revolution; standing against corruption of the authoritarian dictator regime and his democratic corrupted party .. Why all democrats persistently kept quite and even do conspire - in secrecy- not to mobilize people to know or to act for justice on time for 30 years of dictator regime governance in Egypt and the same as the case with the monarch of Al-Saud in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia; it is because Democracy, hypocrisy and corruption are brothers and sisters within the same family; which is also willing at all the times to cooperate with their cousins of autocracy and monarchy family on the other side ?! and why not as long as sucking the people's wealth, violating concepts of social justice with the greediness of secular democracy; why not as it is all about money, wealth gain and power control; democrats here are a well known evil to stand against true Justice, realistic liberty of people and the traditional enemy standing against mutual love among our people and mutual love in one god .. They do not care a dam about anything just except when there is a turn over threat of Revolution, where they face certain strategic threats to their Supremacy and/or possible rage of both rebels and terrorists ; at this point they only - hypocritically act - to show us they are on the side of the people's revolutionary demands while keeping their ties with some servants to western politics; Our Surecratic evidence and our criticism against them is simplified; why they are trying now to please our people jumping again onto our shoulders with their monopoly wave of democracy and to propaganda the best change into democracy but not anything else ? The answer is because they simply want another democratic - autocratic puppet governor to deal with; in the future, where free elections means nothing in reality - except for dummies - because of the fact that democracy ; as a system of governing has a credential history with its gaps and black holes for repeating itself cleverly in support of autocracy and monarch ; where here we are stepping in as Surecrats - in cohesion with secular democracy - to warn our own people from the dangers, the corruption and the hypocrisy which will definitely always survive in the present and the future of our monotheistic nations if it follow democracy and/or democratic capitalism.

4. Under Democracy fluctuating into its own opposite Autocracy as the philosopher Aristotle warned " Democracy will take itself into its own opposite " in other wards into autocracy; with some sort of monarchy like president father Bush and son George W.Bush; Mubarak and his Son Gamal Mubarak, Ha fez El-Assad and his son Bashar Al-Assad ; Democracy and autocracy / monarchy (Royal or semi-royal) are compatible twins in deed; as observed phenomenon in our modern history; we should not live here the delusions of democracy and its faked promises because it all reflect political lies of no ethos as usual and because it is an unrealistic theory that can not be applied except for the ignorant fool(s) to believe naif in such a delusion; even more democracy - as we highlighted - does not have any appropriate socio-political mechanism(s) to stop , on time , the governments, the presidents and the prime ministers as well as the parliament(s) from imposing corrupt policies, decisions, laws ..etc.; the freedom of press is theoretical in the reality of democracy as power, money, legislation, ideology and greediness can control to a significant extent the illusive outcomes of the media and of the press; where Capitalism and Zionism do have an influential significant role(s) ; so what is here the alternative for people - under this case circumstances - in presence of the fact of Democracy as a monopoly of corruption - Democracy and Capitalism wants nothing to truly develop in our third world; they want nothing else but solely democracy to serve themselves not to serve ourselves as our option here - confirm in their opposition - our polity and Surecracy as the sole available present alternative to Democratic - Communism Socialism, Democratic Capitalism and Democratic Zionism or Democratic Fascism .. ?! Do we have another, more developed option else where than our present available Surecracy ?!! .. Do you think the Democrats' monopoly in supremacy will not fight us back - even using very possibly their violent military machines and their allies - to oppress the uprising wave of Surecracy and the Surecratic Polity in governing against Democracy ?! Who knows what may happen in the future of mankind where an inevitability of clash(es) will certainly happen - in Ideology and in Culture - with the conflict(s) of the ideological and the political interests between Democracy and Surecracy ?!! we are ready still to face them - with our courage and revolution at any time - if Democrats and Autocrats ever dare to shoot further or try to crush our peaceful people whom have the legitimate rights to claim what they want in lights of Surecracy ..!! We will certainly fight for Shahadah if necessary - as the worest type of ideological fighters which the modern human history will ever imagine and will ever record ..! enlightened by the path and the inspirations of our short Islamic / Monotheistic History of our prophet and his four wise Sahabah whom had build the foundation of our Surecratic nations in such a glorious history..!

5. Western Democrats, Communists-Socialists Democrats, Zionists Democrats can not ensure their Democracy supremacy at all the times; their control and securing their interests against our people without imposing democracy and its related corruption phenomenon by force and/or political conspiracy; Democracy is simply born immoral and very unethical in light of Universal Monotheism ..! They can not match each other except in presence of ignorance, hypocrisy and double standards ..; Democrats - in supremacy are questionably - by every mean - targeting our individuals and people's center(s) of conscienceness; targeting the process of our legitimate psycho-moral illusive goodness with their democratic delusions and promises of wealth, materialism and greediness possession; justifying to us killing each other in the third world to protect their democratic interests of bringing more corruption with democracy; they can not survive without it even in their main home lands ; it is everywhere; when facing them with these issues they answer stupidly no system , no one is perfect to keep its continuity on their questionable purposes ; so we - as Surecrats - have recorded this observation of Democracy-Autocracy and Corruption in lights of the presence of - The Egyptian National Democratic Party - with what it brought , for example not for limitation with the application of Democracy in Egypt: in few words political corruption and economic deterioration of the life standards of our people including immoral greediness, hypocrisy, lack of vision in following the governing powers, lack of creative thinking in finding resolutions, immoral police violence and counter-violence by terrorism, selfishness, family dissociation in presence of poverty and literacy, inflation of egos of the democratic individual leaders in power willing to commit violence, crimes and murders to keep themselves in power over our people seeking an escape or claiming for a real positive change(s) without having alternatives, the use of military and police brutal forces to protect the foreign interests and democratic leaders special interests of these puppet government benting loyal to western supremacy, the increase in our economic inflation and our national debts; the increase the unemployment rates especially for educated people, the academic related corruption and corruption within our educational system, the corruption of the government bureaucrats and of the police and military ..etc. what else is left other than deterioration and loss of identity and our sense of belonging ..!! It were all adding up cumulative; creating the pressure and the steam for a revolutionary explosion ; even after it happen there is still socio-political and economic uncertainty where are we going; we know nothing except following the delusions of democracy or fundamentalism , double standards everywhere.. Did we learn - from this Egyptian reality something - after two experiments with democracy the first Democratic Socialism Monopolistic Party of Jamal Abdul-Nasser ( First Modern Pharaoh ) Followed by Democratic - Capitalism Multiple Party of Anwar El-Sadat and Husnie Mubarak ( Second and Third Modern Pharaohs ) so whom is the oncoming next modern Pharaoh in our future history as the Chaos Of Western Democracy and its influential interference upon the true free revolutionary Egyptians - in presence of such Globalization ?!! I mean the Monopoly of Democrats leading globalization of the whole world to keep continuity of their power and neo-colonialism ?!! Are we willing to kill still each other my people for the sake of Democracy and these corrupt evil democrats ? Are we willing to still follow up - without learning from our present and our past - of such a corrupt chaos and models of Democracy; infiltrating everything including our moralo-psycho-intellectual independence and our social justice system as well as our own freedom of choice ; both NATO and Obama whom protected every corrupted democrat and autocrat are still talking about democracy for the Egyptian Rebels and Revolutionists as grass roots of our people; Where are we: are we living free in our own country to make our own choices or we are living in United States of America - as Egyptians ?!! Who are they and Whom we are ?!! where is our identity and creative integrity in such a show of Democracy Chaos and/or Monopoly ?!! look at the genocide killings every where in Africa and Middle -East under the flags of democracy ? look at the military invasive, economic sanctions and political conspiracy upon our people suffering - in lights of the presence of Democracy - Have you ever thought in trying something else better ?! Are we still living with a frozen brain or like stupid lambs and goats waiting to be slathered sooner or later under the flags of such a delusive Democracy ? Where are we - as people - Why don't We try an alternative - for the best of our people's interests - Surecracy and Surecratic Polity versus Democracy with its well known corrupt two faces being discussed above ?!! We have never forgotten our sacrificed killed/dead people whom were shouting claiming for Justice , Liberty and Mutual Love among all the members of our society and within our Nation for its best interests; Are our killed people democrats or Surecrats to be considered ' Shah id ' ?! where in this Secular Democracy there is nobody considered the ' Shah id or Shohada ' ; it can only be considered in lights of Monotheism and Surecracy .. Are You still living ' The Delusions Of Democracy ' and its Hypocrisy .. Wake UP.. WAKE UP My People ?!!

Sherif Abdel-Kerim,
Founder Of The International Surecratic Movement
Calgary, Alberta, Canada -Copyright (C) 2011.